Netscape Communicator 4.5 & 4.6

  1. Open Netscape

  2. Click on Edit on the Menu bar and click on Preferences

  3. DOUBLE click on Mail and Newsgroups

  4. Click once on Identity.

  5. Type in your name as you would like it to appear in the "Your Name Box"

  6. Type in your Email address in the "Email Address" box.

  7. Click once on "Mail Servers"

  8. Delete any accounts that you do not use. Click on Add
  9. Type in the Mail Server name.
  10. Choose POP3 server from the drom down menu for Server Type
  11. Type your UserID in User Name
  12. Click on OK and then OK again
  13. Close Netscape and reopen to make mail changes effective.

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