Eudora Light 3.06

  1. Click on Tools
  2. Click on Options
  3. Click on Getting Started.
  4. Fill in the POP ACCOUNT address. For Eudora only, you must enter the Pop Account(
  5. Fill in the User Name, Keep Connection Method as Winsock.
  6. Click on the Personal Info Category. It will bring down the Pop Account, Real Name and Return Address info.
  7. Type your UserId in Dialup User Name
  8. Click on the Host Category and Fill in the SMTP as ( Leave Ph and Ringer blank.
  9. Click on the Advanced Network Category
  10. Under both Network open timeout and Network timeout after (if both are present) type (99999)
  11. (this last entry will allow your Eudora to download large email attachments and/or a large volume of messages
  12. Click on OK.

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>SUPPORT >FTP Support >E-mail Support >Modem Support