FAQ - Shell AccountsThe following is a compilation of questions most often asked by our Shell users.
1. How do I change my password?
At the shell prompt, type "passwd". You will be prompted for you old password and then permitted to
type in a new password. You will type in your new password twice to make sure it was entered correctly.
When you are typing in your old/new password, it will NOT be echoed back to the screen for security
2. How can I run commands while I'm not logged on?
You can't. CyberGate does not offer 'cron' or 'at' job access. Processes left running when you log
out of your session will be killed.
3. How can I read the man page when I don't know what a 'man page is? 'man page' is short for "Manual Page". Some versions of the UNIX operating system, including AIX, have manual pages online. To view a man page, type the following command: man 'command' Where 'command' is the name of the command you want more info on. apropos 'subject' Where 'subject' is a general subject. 4. How do I remove files without having it ask for verification? To keep this message from appearing, you must type this: rm -f 'file' Where 'file' is the name of the file you want deleted. alias rm="rm" You may also use: unalias rm 5. I changed my .kshrc file and nothing happened! How can I make the changes take?
Login to CyberGate again, and the changes will show up.
6. How can I make a little saying or paragraph appear after all my posts or e-mails? You must make a file called '.signature' in your home directory. Put in this file the stuff you want to appear. Then, modify your mailer and newsreader's initialization files to read the signature. For ELM, place the following line in your 'elmrc' file, which is in '.elm' (if it doesn't exist, just create it; most editors will do this automatically): SIGNATURE = $HOME/.signatureIf you have done the above, and now wish to have a 'tin' signature file, try the following command: ln -s ~/.signature ~/.Sig 7. Can users have anonymous FTP directories so other people can ftp files from me? Yes. Execute the following series of commands: cd /home/ftp/incoming mkdir $LOGNAME chmod 733 $LOGNAME cd /home/ftp/pub/users mkdir $LOGNAME chmod 755 $LOGNAMENow you have a directory under both /home/ftp/incoming and /home/ftp/pub/users. If people want to send you something, tell them to: 1. ftp to ftp.gate.net 2. Change directory to /incoming 3. Change directory to the same name as your username 4. use 'put' to upload what they wish to uploadYou can then retrieve what they send from /home/ftp/incoming, in the directory named after your username.
As for remote people getting things from you, that's quite a bit easier
Just place the files you want to make available in
A related tip for your FTP directory: use the 'ln' command to make it
easy to change the contents of your FTP area, like so:
Make sure you start the ftp program in a directory you have write access to, such as your home directory.
9. I've heard of something called X Windows. How can I use it on CyberGate?
X Windows is not supported on the CyberGate computers due to its large consumption of resources.
This is unlikely to change in the future.
10. What's wrong with the quota system? I can go over 10 megs.
There is nothing wrong with it. Quotas have a "hard limit" and a "soft limit". The system will
let you go over the soft limit for a little while, but it will never let you go over the hard
Additional space is available from CyberGate for $5 per blocks of 5 megs of additional space per month.
11. How do I see the permissions on files?
12. I have a file called
There are a couple of ways you can do this. Here is a two-step process,
assuming the original file is called "foo.tar.Z":
13. My PINE mail folder is getting BIG!
You need to either erase the entire file (mail/saved-messages), or manually go
through with pine, select that folder (with l), and manually delete each message
you want to get rid of.
14. What is the policy on files that I place in /tmp?
Files are not guaranteed to stay in the tmp directories for any length of time. If the
user is concerned that the file might go away, then he/she should put the file in their
home directory.
15. How can I use DOS files here without those silly ^M's appearing?
UNIX expects only newline characters to mark the end of a line, whereas DOS wants a carriage
return too. To use a DOS text file on UNIX without the extra ^M's, you must strip them out of
the file. Likewise, if you want to use a text file from UNIX under DOS, you must add carriage
returns to the file.
The following command should do the trick for DOS to UNIX:
16. How can I find out more about IRC?
A full explanation of IRC is far beyond the scope of this document. If you wish to find out
more about IRC, you probably should first read the documents in the "/pub/usenet-by-hierarchy/alt/irc"
directory on rtfm.mit.edu. The FAQ's for IRC and the UnderNet are located there, and have pointers to
more sources of IRC info.
17. I'm having problems with people accessing my homepage. What's wrong?
Every directory leading up to your "index.html" file must be world searchable/executable.
This means you must use the 'chmod' command to make the "public_html" directory and your
home directory searchable by group and everyone. The following set of commands should do it:
18. Why are USENET articles out of order or missing?
It's a USENET problem, actually. USENET (another term for newsgroups) and the software it
runs on does NOT guarantee message order at all. There is no simple way to do that, given
the amount of volume that goes on in USENET, and it constantly growing.
Also, not all sites are connected directly to the Internet, and network connections go down
anyway, and this effects the order in which articles are propagated.
This seems to happen if a connection goes down somewhere for an extended period of time and
the newer stuff arrives before the older, larger clumps of spooled articles are sent, so things
are more or less current.
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