FrontPage Express:
Basic Information

FrontPage Express is a web site building and management tool that helps to simplify the creation, uploading, and web site management process. In a nutshell, there are 2 major components in the FrontPage Express program. First is the FrontPage Express editor which is used to create your website. Second is the FrontPage Express FTP assistant known as the Web Publishing Wizard. Before you attempt to publish make sure that the FrontPage Extensions are TURNED "ON" in your Website's Control Panel(VW Control Panel>Site Utilities>Site Information).

Some versions of the Web Publishing Wizard will not let you publish if the FP Extensions are not installed. When you are ready to publish your site there are three pieces of information that you will need to have on hand to publish to your web space: 1.) Your domain name or IP Address. (You will need to use your IP Address for the first couple days while your domain name becomes effective throughout the Internet.) 2.) Your account username. 3.) Your account password.

Uploading Your Site With FrontPage Express.

The following screen-shots will guide you in publishing your site.

To Publish Your Website To Your Web Server:

Open your website in FrontPage Express.

Click on the "File" drop-down menu, then select "Save As".

Type in your Page Title and Page Location (website address, or IP Address if you cannot reach your domain with your web browser).
Now click on the "OK" button.

Type in your account username and password. Now click on the "OK" button.

Thats it! If the following window appears then click "Cancel". Either your FrontPage Extensions are turned off or they need to be reinstalled via your Control Panel. After doing so, try to re-publish again.

HOME >Homepage Setup >FAQ >Feedback

>OS >Windows 3.1 >Windows 95 >Windows 98 >Windows NT >Macintosh

>SUPPORT >FTP Support >E-mail Support >Modem Support