FrontPage 98/2000 Information

FrontPage 98/2000:
Basic Information

The following is a compilation of information on using FrontPage on your ValueWeb server.

FrontPage is a website building and management tool that helps to simplify the creation, uploading, and website management process. In a nutshell, there are 2 major components in the FrontPage program. First is the FrontPage Explorer which is used to manage and upload your website. Second is the FrontPage Editor which is used to edit your web pages. You have the option of editing your copy of your website locally, then upload the changed pages...or you can connect to the copy you have on the server and edit the pages in real-time right on the server.

Editing in real-time can be a time saver when you only have to make minor updates, however, when making more than minor changes you should first edit your local copy, then upload the changes. The reason for this is so you will always have an updated copy that you can depend on.

When you are ready to publish your site there are three pieces of information that you will need to have on hand to publish to your web space:

1.) Your domain name or IP Address. (You will need to use your IP Address for the first couple days while your domain name becomes effective throughout the Internet.)

2.) Your account username.

3.) Your account password.

Managing Your Site With FrontPage2000

The following screen-shots will guide you in publishing your site, and also in remotely opening your already published site for editing.

To Publish Your Website To Your Web Server:

Open your website in FrontPage, then click on the "File" drop-down menu, then select "Publish Web".

Type in your website address (or IP Address if you cannot reach your domain with your web browser). Now click on the PUBLISH button.

To Edit Your Website Remotely On Your Web Server:

Once you have uploaded your website, you have the option to edit it remotely (live on the server). To do this you must first open the site by clicking on the "File" drop-down menu, then select "Open Web". Now, in the "Folder Name", type in your website address (or IP address) and click the OPEN button. You will be prompted for your Username and password that we issued to you.

Managing Your Site With FrontPage98

The following screen-shots will guide you in publishing your site, and also in remotely opening your already published site for editing.

To Publish Your Website To Your Web Server:

Open your website in FrontPage by clicking on the "File" drop-down menu and selecting "Open FrontPage Web".

In the "Getting Started" window, select your website that you want to publish.
Now click on the "OK" button.

You will now see your site files listed.

Now click on the "File" drop-down menu and select "Publish FrontPage Web

In the "Please specify the location..." box, type or just your IP Address. Click "OK".

Make sure you select "Publish Changed Pages Only". Click OK.

Enter your Username and Password. Click "OK".

If your site does not begin to upload, and instead the follow Web Publishing Wizard window comes up, you (or Technical Support) will need to install FrontPage Extensions on your web server space.

To Edit Your Website Remotely On Your Web Server:

Once you have uploaded your website, you have the option to edit it remotely (live on the server).
To do this you must first open the site by clicking on the "File" drop-down menu, then select
"Open FrontPage Web".

Click on "More Webs".

Type in or your IP Address. Click on "List Webs". When your Root Web shows up in the "FrontPage webs found at location", click "OK".

Enter your Username and Password. Click "OK".

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