Vendor Phone Numbers

The following is a compilation of approximately 2000 vendor phone numbers. They may prove useful in resolving hardware and software issues that can not be addressed by your hosting company.

*Rockwell a.k.a. Conexant Systems, Inc.*

Technical and Support Information
Email Support:
General Information:
U.S. and Canada: (800) 854-8099
International: (949) 483-6996

*3COM US Robotics Modem Support Phone Numbers*

Post Sales Technical and Support Information
U.S. Robotics / Sportster Modems (56K) PH: (1) (847) 262-5151 FAX: (1) (847) 262-4329
U.S. Robotics / Sportster Modems (33.6K) PH: (1) (847) 262-5151 FAX: (1) (847) 262-4329
Sportster Modems (128K) PH: (1) (847) 262-6200
Courier Modems (analog) PH: (1) (888) 326-6099
Courier Modems (I-modem ISDN) PH: (1) (888) 326-6099
OfficeConnect hardware (Dual Analog LAN Modems) PH: (1) (800) 550-7800
Cable Modems (end-user only)
up to 90 days after purchase PH: (1) (888) 877-5040
90+ days after purchase PH: (1) (847) 262-2550

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


A 2 Z Computers 216-442-8889

A Byte Above 206-696-3359

AB Computer, LC 602-269-9828

ABS Computer Sys 800-685-3471

AC Data Systems 909-681-2100

ACAD Computer Services 717-394-2223

ACBEL USA (Sun Moon Star) 408-452-7811

ACER 800-445-6495

ACME Computer 509-535-4122

ADAC Corporation 617-935-6668

ADI Technology Corporation 703-920-5730

ADN Computer Systems, Inc. 707-838-0101

AECI 417-885-9292

AG Computer Corporation 909-595-5736

AG Data, Inc. 509-525-2580

AGData Marketing Group 209-784-5500

AHEARN AND SOPER INC. 800-267-4267

ALR 800-257-1230

AM Microtek Ltd. 604-732-6223

AMA Systems Inc. 618-262-4296

AMG, Inc. 800-673-5551

AMS 800-886-3536

APC Computers 301-862-1222

APC Computers & Specialties 502-389-0702

API Computers, Inc. 203-355-4212

APLS 800-825-2577

APPA Business Computers 734-769-2727

ARJAY Personal Computers 888-257-9452

ARM Systems (Computers) 707-795-0800

ARSI/Faultline Systems (JFM Telepeach) 800-737-8190

ARTEX The Network Solution 714-641-2775

ASC Audio Video Corporation 818-843-7004

AST 800-727-1278


AT&T Global (now NCR) 800-531-2222

ATI Technologies 905-882-2626

ATS Money Systems, Inc. 800-526-0494

Abacus America, Inc. 619-455-7709

Abel Computer Repair 650-802-7200

Aberdeen Inc. 800-552-6868

Abilities of Florida, Inc. 813-538-7370

Absolute Computer System, Inc. 203-333-2000

Accel Computers, Inc. 510-739-3777

Access International, Inc. 708-895-3495

Accuracy Computer Systems, Inc. 818-330-3972

Acer America Corp 408-432-6200

Acoustic Imaging Technol Corp. 602-496-6681x515

Action Instruments 619-279-5726

Adam Computers 214-233-5800

Adaptec 800-959-7274

Adaptive Information Systems 800-446-341

Adastra Systems Corporation 510-732-6900

Addtech Computer, Inc. 908-805-0900

Advance Electronic Diagnostics 602-861-9359

Advanced Computer Design 219-674-9591

Advanced Computer Distributors/

NCC of Mercury St/of El Cajon 619-292-7397

Advanced Computer Engineering 914-338-0015

Adv Computer Solutions, Inc-CA 619-748-6800

Advanced Computer Solutions-VA 703-920-2718

Advanced Computer Systems 818-559-6400

Advanced Concepts, Inc. (now Computerland) 501-646-9599

Advanced Digital Systems, Inc. 408-956-0800

Advanced Graphics Research, Inc. 518-966-4600

Advanced Gravis Computer Tech 604 431 1807

Advanced Micro Distribut, Inc. 615-689-0242

Advanced Micro Net Solutions 510-551-3660

Advanced Micro Systems 804-385-6394

Advanced Micro Systems, Inc. (now Fox) 309-663-4888

Advanced Voice (ow Homework Hotline) 615-885-4170

Advantage Computer, Inc. 219-269-3798

Advantage Plus Company 800-337-6563

Affordable Computer Upgrades 206-562-6636

Affordable Computers 219-288-1999

Agama Computers, Etc. 818-891-6565

Alamo Data Systems, Inc. 210-615-8000

Alaris, Inc. 510-770-5700

Alaska Computer Brokers 907-267-4225

Alexander Systems, Inc./ASI 314 997 7410

Algorithms, Inc. 609-451-7979

All City Software & Computers 805-388-8311

All Media Solutions 617-969-3747

Alldata Corporation 800-859-3282

Allen Bradley Inc. 216-646-3417

Alligator Technologies 714-850-9984

Alltek Supplies, Inc. 909-598-1499

Allwest Electronics & Supplies 206-869-8587

Alphanumeric International Inc. 310-690-2222

Alternative Micro Systems 408-738-3101

Altex Electronics Inc. 800-531-5369

Alto Services 315 363 0504

Altos Computer Systems, Inc. (now Acer America) 800-445-6495

Alvimer Incorporated 305-599-1593

Amax Engineering Corp. 800-889-2629

Ambra Computers (Chicony America) 714-380-0928

American Advantech Corp. 408-245-6678

American Computer Center 419 586-9906

American Computer Distrib 615-877-5913

American Computer Innovators, Inc. 800-367-9509

American Micro Products Technology (AMTECH) 800-619-0508

American Online 800-827-6364

American Precision Tech, Inc. 800-234-2278

American Research Corp/ARC 800 346 3272

American Tech. Enhance Computer 714-990-3933

American Telephone&Telegraph Co. 908-522-6000

Ametek 412 828-9040

Anderson Computer Sales/Serv 801-485-8556

Annabooks 800-462-1042

Antam Computers 503-235-8300

Antec, Inc. 510-770-1200

Apertus (now Carlton) 800-321-0454

Apex Computer Consulting 310-836-8246

Apex Systems Inc. 515-253-0623

Apple (Macintosh) Computers, Inc. 800-767-2775

Applied Computer Tech, Inc. 800-747-4228

Applied Cybernetics Intl. 212-243-6000

Applied Instruments 510-490-7117

Applied Micro Tech 802-476-7016

Applied Systems, Inc. 800-999-6512

Applied Voice Technology, Inc. 206-820-6000x0

Ariel Design, Inc. 617-982-8800

Arndt Electronics (parent company, Jameco) 650-592-8097

Asia Source, Inc. 510-226-8000

Associated Mega Sub-System, Inc. 818-813-2391

Asus Computer International 510-739-3777

Asyst Computers 510-932-7978

Aten Research Inc. 714-255-0566

Audience Response Systems, Inc. 800-468-6583

AutoExec. Systems 316-663-6989

Autotote 302-737-4300

Ava Technology, Inc. 508-663-0900

Avtron Manufacturing, Inc. 216-641-8310x275

Axxiom Chromatography 800-441-8888

Axxys Technologies 214-696-5151

Aydin Controls 215-542-7800

Azonix Corp. 978-670-6300


BBS Systems 209-478-9093

BCR Expert Systems 419-238-5806

BTR Computers 800-464-8193

Baltimore Hydraulics 800-947-8088

Banctec Systems, Inc. 800-435-7832

Barrister Info SysCorp. 800-846-4260

Basic Measuring Instruments 800-888-2648

Bask Computer, Inc. 510-689-8802

Beaverton Computers,Inc. B.C.I. (now VR Net) 503-644-9616

Bekannte Corp. (The Computer Group) 815-623-7494

Belhaven 509-735-9446

Bell Computer Inc. 800-922-1126

Bell Controls 916-333-2095

Belobox Systems, Inc. 800-235-6269

Big Bend Engineering 904 385 2137

Big Sky Laser Tech, Inc. 406-586-0131

Bijan Computers 405-632-3259

Bio-Tek Instruments, Inc. 800-242-4685

Bit Wise Designs, Inc. 518-356-9740

Black Cat Computer Whslrs 716 835 7685

Blitz Computer 800-927-1429


Bloomberg LP 212-318-2000

Blue Rose Computer Sys. 800-685-3035

Blue Star Computers 800-950-8894

Blue Star Marketing, Inc. 612-788-1404

Bob Dang Computer Systems 510-649-4994

Bobcat Computers, Inc. 504-387-1684

Boeing Defense and Space Group 206-342-1120

Bomara Consultants 508-452-2299

Boss Technologies Corp 608-362-1340

Boss Technology 404-636-1245

Bottle Creek Data Sys 205-794-3494

Brain Ware 503-772-3432

Braxton Industries 913-492-1143

Brick's Electronic Repair 907-789-2787

Brookhaven Instruments 516-758-3200

Brooks Data Consultants 915-837-2612

Brown Machine 517-435-7741

Bryan Computer Systems 313-769-9155

Burr-Brown Corporation 602-746-1111

Business Computer Center 918-494-9898

Business Computer Svcs 317-758-7259

Business Integration Group 714-632-9590

Business Services & Technologies 517-487-3234

Business Services Unlimited, Inc. 602-445-1474

Business Software Innovations 303-674-4431

Business Solutions 806-792-9076

Business Systems & Networks 703-352-4555

Business Systems Consulting 918-712-2445

Business Systems Depot 800-794-5759

BusinessMart, Inc. 215-647-8630

Byte Size, Inc. 205-879-2983

Byte and Floppy Computers, Inc. 619-571-9013


C&H Computers, Inc. 915-347-6394


C.I.S. Computer Corporation 602-949-6002

C/C Computers, Inc. 702-829-2835

CTC (AKA Tri-gen) 800-766-4377

C3, Inc. 800-999-9987

CAD Assist 817-478-6947

CAD Plus, Inc. 904-396-6449

CAD Research, Inc. 800-779-4500

CAD/CAM Engineering, Inc. 317-633-1830

CAD/CAM Solutions 708-740-1383

CBM Incorporated 606-276-3579

CCS Data Station 703-382-4234

CE Computers 903-723-5971

CEO Computers 800-795-1189

CER Corporation 702-361-2700

CFLC ;Everex Systems, Inc. 510-498-4411

CIL Computers, Inc. 800-324-7566

CJ Enterprises 505-672-9435

CNet Technologies, Inc. 408-954-8000

CPC Computer Services, Inc. 806-793-4532

CPS Group, Inc. 904-620-2233

CR Complete Business Systems, Inc. 714-898-9779

CRC Data Systems 603 624 5564

CRS, Inc. 201-368-7946

CRZ Group 800-899-4508

CS & S Computer Systems, Inc. 602-968-8585

CSC Computer Systems 800-795-9636

CSS Computer & LAN Services, Inc. 305-667-3844

CSS Laboratories 714-852-8161

CT Computers 708-968-3535

CTA Medical Systems, Inc. 305-491-5227

CTC Computers 800-766-4377

CTG Systems, Inc. 800-627-6371

CTR Business Systems 503-293-2414

CTX 800-285-1889

CTX (alternate #) 800-888-2017

Cactus Computer Co. 208-883-5500

Cad Pro 800-289-1640

Cal Comp 800-458-5888

CalTech Software Systems 915-947-2148

California Allied Tech, Inc. 408-263-9601

California Komputer Test, Inc. 714-847-7771

California State Univ.,Sacramento 916-278-6098

California State University, LA 213-343-3498

Canon 800-423-2366

Capital Automation, Inc. 704-596-6120

Capitol Computer Systems 717-541-1113

Capricorn Capital Group, Inc. 313-853-7980

Carbela Tek, Inc. 415-570-5385

Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc. 800-435-2212

Cartel Professional Business Sys 601-844-8939

Carter Computer & Blueprinting 601-841-0129

Cascade Computer Services 503-774-8649

Casco Development, Inc. 207-773-0944

Cassiopeia Technical Support 888-204-7765

Cell Analysis Systems, Inc. 800-367-6052

Census Computer, Inc. 909-598-9887

Center Harbor Data 207-236-6887

Central Business Systems 701-252-7474

Central Computer Systems, Inc. 408-241-0185

Centrum Computers, Inc. 414-338-0911

Century Technology 816-753-5210

Certified Data Services 713-939-9650

Challenger Computers, Inc. 615-551-4885

Chang Corporation 505-343-8888

Cherry Computers 800-675-8885

Chips and Technologies 408-434-0600

Chrisalan Design Inc. 509-663-7770

Chromatics, Inc. 404-493-7000x2200

Chuck Hurley's Electronics 916-927-5891

Cincinnati Computer Concepts 513-679-7300

Circuit Specialists 800-528-1417

Cirrus Computers, Inc. 508-663-0300

Cirrus Logic 510-623-8300

Citrix Systems, Inc. 305-345-3666

City Scope 713-477-6161

Clarke Data Systems 805-546-9330

Classic Development Corp 219-237-0771

Claussen Enterprises 209-784-7761

Clone Computer Corporation 214-934-2200

Clover Computer 408-436-0444

Club American Technologies, Inc. 510-249-1613

Clymer CAD-Graphics 405-528-7334

Cochran, Inc. 206-367-1900

Colfax International 415-968-3806

Collen Tech(Computer Doctor) 201-489-3300

Colorado Memory Systems (Hewlett Packard) 970-669-8000

Columbia Data Systems, Inc. 615-381-4660

Columbus Micro Systems, Inc. 614-794-1981

Com Tech Technical Service 717-569-5800

ComCare 713-463-6227

ComQuest 800-995-0449

Comark (dba USA Flex) 708-351-9700

Comark Corporation 508-359-8161

Comax System, Inc. 718-762-2822

Combined Business Services 912-284-0651

Comex Computer Corp/Pescado Int 800-926-6392

Commax Technologies, Inc. 408-435-5000

Commtech Computers 919-335-9427

COMPAM 415-623-8911

Compaq 800-652-6672

Comp Net 214-385-0268

Comp U Time, Inc. 708-228-1600

CompuRex 219-458-4687

Computer Warehouse of Florida 407-331-3636

Computers Unlimited 516-681-2266

Comp-Tech, Inc. 818-855-4550

CompDesign, Inc. 606-278-9997

Compass Computer Products, Inc. 201-340-8855

Compass Rose 916-758-0369

Compatible Pers Computers, Inc. 404-979-6068

Compix Incorporated Imaging Systems 412-772-5277

Complete Computer Solutions 717-731-9707

Comptalk, dba Comptalk Computers 503-884-0559

Compu Biz 209-221-9009

Compu DTG, Inc. 513-398-7005

Compu-Centro USA, Inc. 915-542-4844

Compu-Data 206-882-1555

Compudyne See Compusa

Compu-Todo, Inc. 305-264-3838

CompuCell 800-434-0233

CompuHouse Systems, Inc. 412-438-1265

CompuLearn 317-876-0735

CompuMart International 210-618-0878

CompUSA Direct 800-215-8767

CompuSource 812-332-0555

CompuSystems 703-666-0651

CompuTrain 707-829-7703

Compuar Research, Inc. 619-427-9939

Compudex Systems 206-646-5476

Compulabs Computer Store 919-229-7170

Compulink Systems 781-944-5700

Compunet Corporation 201-664-5954

Compusa (2.49/minute) 900-896-9393

Computask 408-263-8500

Computations Unlimited 608-233-0240

Compute-A-Ware, Inc. 800-392-8181

Compute-Assist 407 366-5840

Computech Computer Services 305-265-1016

Computech Design, Inc. 216-334-3289

Computech, Inc. 701-239-4159

Computek, Inc. 704-529-0411

Computer & Software Library 817-696-5363

Computer Access (dba PC Mart) 409-764-1136

Computer Add-Ons, Inc. 718-886-2025

Computer Adventure 916 684 3500

Computer Application Sys, Inc. 615-752-1787

Computer Based Alternatives 310-534-2444

Computer Basics 503-297-9238

Computer Biz, Inc. 408-456-0100

Computer Business Services, Inc. 317-758-4415

Computer Business Services 800-234-3620

Computer Business Technology 310-926-7642

Computer Care 800-240-3681

Computer Care & Consulting 919-779-5423

Computer Centre 314-785-5538

Computer City 800-843-2489

Computer Clinic, Inc. 919-467-0808

Computer Components Corporation 608-831-1165

Computer Concepts, Inc. 616-381-3475

Computer Connection, Inc. - GA 706-754-3675

Computer Connections 617-320-3600

Computer Contraptions 510-516-0135

Computer Corner 706-635-6356

Computer Corner, Inc. 505-296-8424

Computer Creations 303 926-2762

Computer Dealers' Source, Inc. 913-432-7614

Computer Depot 513-848-7107

Computer Depot-GA 706-883-7405

Computer Depot-ID 800-788-4402

Computer Development Sys, Inc. 203-583-5993

Computer Directions 813-434-2223

Computer Directions, Inc. 919-872-8002

Computer Doctors Inc. 319-582-9331

Computer Dynamics, Inc. 210-344-6127

Computer Edge 708-636-0300

Computer Engineering Services 904-934-5001

Computer Free America 513-325-0028

Computer Genesis, Inc. 703-818-1295

Computer House 609-652-3222

Computer House of Billings 406-256-0050

Computer Junction - TX 210-774-1515

Computer Junction -CA 805-649-1257

Computer Junction, Inc. 412-257-8899

Computer King 805-925-7075

Computer Labs, Inc. 513-821-2525

Computer Link, Inc. 314-839-9937

Computer Literacy World, Inc. 301-925-9363

Computer Maintenance Svc, Inc. 615-319-0055

Computer Mania 606-252-2525

Computer Marketing Corporation 612-894-7150

Computer Mart of N. Hampshire, Inc. 603-881-4910x53

Computer Masters 619-622-0373

Computer Masters 706-860-1997

Computer Mechanix, Inc. 800-448-1436

Computer Medic, Inc. 313-662-1228

Computer Network Inc./Microage Computer Centers 206-746-8045

Computer Network, Inc. 616-245-0064

Computer Parts & Pieces 817-274-4716

Computer Peripherals, Inc. 805-499-6021

Computer Possibilities-Unltd, I 606-598-5050

Computer Products 803-764-1697

Computer Products, Inc. 805-495-9954

Computer Pros 209-368-4025

Computer Resource International 703-378-1172

Computer Resource Technologies 405-843-8631

Computer Resource Training, Inc. 616-963-3785

Computer Resources 800-662-0034

Computer Sales Professionals. 800-950-6660

Computer Service & Maintenance 619-944-1228

Computer Service Corporation 206-869-7777

Computer Service Land, Inc. 703-631-4949

Computer Service Station, Inc. 800-481-9002

Computer Services & Products 318-233-7171

Computer Services USA, Inc. 800-375-2025

Computer Services of America 504-835-6888

Computer Shop, Inc. 303-274-9100

Computer Software Consultants 609-346-8447

Computer Solutions 812-235-9008

Computer Solutions 915-573-4801

Computer Solutions - IL 309-797-7027

Computer Solutions Unlimited 607-797-4550

Computer Solutions, Inc. 715-387-2100

Computer Sonics 714-551-4120

Computer Specialists 612-763-9020

Computer Specialists Northwest 503-389-8517

Computer Station Co. 407-692-3700

Computer Stockroom/Delta Micro Syst 317-286-5639

Computer Stop 206-644-6777

Computer Super Center 903-785-4593

Computer Support, Inc. 800-968-8103

Computer Systems Research 201-617-7711

Computer Systems Resources, Inc. 719-471-9066

Computer Systems Services 216-667-3177

Computer Systems Technology, Inc. 904-862-1477

Computer Task Group 508-453-6591

Computer Tec, Inc. 708-458-0100

Computer Technology Associates 915 368 5208

Computer Technology Link Corp. 800-642-3087

Computer Technology Sales, Inc. 203-529-7541

Computer Time of America 614-759-0100

Computer Trading 602-326-3382

Computer Tutoring Services 512-853-5455

Computer Visions 916-482-1989

Computer Warehouse of Florida 407-331-3636

Computer Wise Consulting 503-390-6859

Computer Word Processing Sys, I 703 263-9539

Computer World Leasing, Inc. 706-232-7003

Computer-EEZ 317-996-3727

ComputerExpo 713-496-2424

ComputerLife 804-520-4567

Computerhaus, Inc. 210-599-7604

Computers "N" Things, Inc. 206-474-1383

Computers & Applications 206-451-8077

Computers & Things 313-429-2311

Computers 4 Less 916-726-1212

Computers A La Carte 508-687-4681

Computers Direct 804-424-0656

Computers Etc. 423-694-2005

Computers Intntl Sys Solutions 206-285-2133

Computers Made Simple 210-734-2444

Computers Parts Plus 817-691-7587

Computers Plus 919-535-2695

Computers Plus - RI 401-434-9180

Computers Plus of Ohio 800-325-0316

Computers Plus, Inc. 314-893-5517

Computers Plus, Inc. 405-354-0300

Computers Unlimited, Inc. 516-681-2266

Computers and Stuff 612-388-8160

Computers for Professional,Ltd 800-272-TECH

Computers, Etc. 603-626-7850

Computime International Inc. 770-798-9889

Computing Technology 619-375-5744

Computown, Inc. 415-962-8696

Computrend 818-333-5121

Computrend, Inc. 513-335-4888

Computron Systems, Inc. 718-891-1100

Computron, Inc. 409-297-1303

Computronics Consultants, Inc. 918-663-1319

Computrs, Inc. 201-492-1229

Compuworld Systems 615-239-6880

Comstor Corporation 800-955-9590

Comtech Computer Services 919-570-9409

Comtech Micro System 703-321-5000

Comtrade 800-899-4508

Comudex Systems, Inc. 206-646-5476

Configured Computers 407-793-8006

Connecting Point Computer 309-663-5200

Connecting Point Computer Center 816-646-0090

Connecting Point Computers 307-638-7777

Consolidated Micro Services 805-295-5775

Consumer Satellite Systems 614-351-1454

Consyst, Inc. 215-398-0752

Contact Network 205-934-2841

Continental Resources, Inc. 617-275-0850

Control Concepts, Inc. 800-922-9259x6444

Control General Corporation 504 872-9002

Control Laser Corporation 800-289-7707

Control Networks Corporation 408-441-0264

Control-O-Fax Corporation 800-322-0182

Controller Board Supplies 801-771-2915

Cooperative Computer Center 904-562-0121

Copar Corporation 708-496-1859

Copper Electronics 502-968-8500

Corvallis Microtechnology 503-752-5456

Cranston Software 612-378-9230

Creation Computers 417-782-3888

Creative Business Services, Inc. 314-227-5190

Creative Computer Support 717-732-7084

Creative Labs 405-742-6633

Creative Manufacturing Tech. 518-793-8028

Crescent Computers, Inc. 800-852-6294

Crescent Software & Computers 503-479-3702

Critical Data 200-666-9868

Cross Computer Systems 401-397-5040

Cross+Com, Inc. 804-737-2328

Crutchfield Corporation 800-388-4655

Crutchfield Corporation 804-973-1811

Crystal Data Systems, Inc. 800-239-5463

Cube Computer Corporation 914-592-8282

Cubix Corporation 800-829-0551

Current Computer Services 713-935-0770

Current Directions, Inc. 216-946-6702

Curt Bean Lumber Company, Inc. 501-342-5275

Curtis, Inc. 612-631-9512

Custom Clones 619-457-4343x241

Custom Comp 419-536-6483

Custom Computer Concepts - NC 919-847-6727

Custom Computer Concepts, Inc. 206-698-2019

Custom Computer Services 303-666-0455

Custom Computer Systems 617-395-0474

Custom Computer Systems-CA 415-873-4383

Custom Computer Works 508-283-4448

Custom Micros, Inc. 219-663-9117

Custom Peripherals Unltd, Inc. 408-371-2658

Customized Software 203-483-5211

Cutting Edge, Inc. 405-672-5800

Cybermax Technical Support 800-291-9868

Cybermax Customer Support 800-519-3623

Cyber Research, Inc. 203-483-9024

CyberStar Computer Systems 612-934-2350

Cybernetic Sys and Automation 215-340-2980

Cybermax 800-443-9868

Cyrix 800-370-2578


D.E.G. Associates, Inc. 508-676-8272

D.M.G. Enterprises 209-836-0986

D.S.C. Company 818-454-1039

DB Telco 603-524-6133

DBA Resources 801-572-6165

DCI Computers 504-899-5663

DD Computer Warehouse 512-993-5895

DECi Associates 516-549-1511

DFI, Inc. 916-568-1234

DKA Global Services 209-323-4560

DMA Services Inc. 403-486-7866

DNA Electronics 403-743-0841

DOS Computer Services-dba B&T Ent. 319-322-8555

DSKE 818-700-8390

DTK Computer 818-810-8880

DTP Micro/DesktopPublishMicro 206-827-5188

Dacom, Inc. 402-339-5560

Dakota Micro Management 800-336-7768

Daktronics, Inc. 800-843-9879

Dalco 800-543-2526

Dale Computer Corporation 800-336-7483

Dale Furseth Enterprises 510-634-7166

Dallas PC 214-250-1774

Daly Computer 301-670-0381

Danjen Computer 518-377-3377

Darcom Computer Systems 415-341-9600

Dartek Computer Supply Corp 708-941-1000

Data City 703-335-5050

Data Collection Systems, Inc. 612-938-6461

Data Comp Corporation 703-848-0788

Data Dynamics 419-424-3616

Data General Corporation 800-344-3577

Data I/O 206-881-6444

Data Link 716-662-6645

Data Processing Concepts, Inc. 215-945-9111

Data Shop 815-879-0704

Data Solutions 314-221-6308

Data Storage Centers 904-781-7100

Data Storage Marketing 303-442-4747

Data Technology Products 714-650-7060

Data Tek International Inc. 615-377-6029

Data Transmission Network Corp. 402-390-7193

Data World Inc. 518-234-8201

DataBeam Corporation 606-245-3500

DataSource Corporation 800-752-3282

Dataforce International, Inc. 214-247-6116

Dataline, Inc. 804-460-5300

Datamax International, Inc. 210-523-7500

Datamedia Corporation 800-832-4362

Datamedic 800-645-7110

Datapro International, Inc. 800-486-4800

Datarray Computerland 209-651-1880

Datatek Company 918-254-0758

Datatough, Inc. 512-835-2328

Dataware Technologies 303-449-4157

Datel Systems, Inc. 619-571-3100

Daugherty Office Equipment, Inc. 502-491-9938

Dauphin Technology, Inc. 708-559-8443

Davidson Computer Associates 908-463-3273

Dawn Computer Services, Inc. 703-256-5130

Dayton Computer Supply 513-743-4060

Daytronic Corporation 513-866-3300

Dean's Computers Plus 502-756-1222

Debco Electronic, Inc. 513-531-4499

Decision Software & Computers 616-327-8018

Deer Park Computers 713-476-0023

Dega Technology, Inc. 805-546-0444

Deico Electronics 510-651-7800

Deju Enterprises 619-566-1984

Del Norte Technology, Inc. 817-267-3541

Dell Computer Corp. 800-624-9896

Dell Corporate Services 512-338-4400

Delphi Development, Inc. 206-524-5369

Delta Info Sys Corporation 904-448-5440

Den's Computers 517-739-5900

Desert Microsystems, Inc. 800-633-0448

Designed Solutions, Inc. 817-280-0644

Desktop Products 510-428-1035

Desktop Services 805-252-3388

Desrosier of Greenwich 203-661-1700

Destiny Technology Corporation 408-562-1000

Devices & Services 214-902-8337

Devine Microage 800-383-7880

Devlopment Associates Control 805-684-8307

Diamond Multimedia 541-967-2450

Diatek Medical Technology, Inc. 619-453-9560

Dicomed Inc. 800-677-7928

Dictaphone 800-344-4825

Diez Management Systems 703-494-9745

Digicom International, Inc. 516-933-8889

Digital Biometrics, Inc. 612-932-0888

Digital Diagnostics 806-797-4182

Digital Equipment Corp. 800-722-9332

Digital Generation Systems 415-546-6600

Digital Realities 213-660-3777

Digital Renaissance, Inc. 416 593-5070

Digital Technology Exchange 407-728-0172

Digital Technology Service 805-683-3760

Digital Voice, Inc. 417-781-0717

Digital Works 209-225-6376

Digitech Computers of Broomfield 303-465-1239

Dimension Computers, Inc. 703-803-8088

Direct Source Distributing 214-416-4890

Direct Wave 800-840-1889

Discount Computer Warehouse 609-294-0001

Discount Software House/DSH 414-231-1696

Discovery Curve, Inc. 617-449-7575

Disk & Data, Inc. 513-667-7211

Distributed Processing Tech. 407-830-5522

Distributed Technologies, Inc. 206-395-7800

Distribution International 714-551-2436

Distribution Mediatel Inc. 514-683-4295

Distribution Mediatel Inc. 514-683-4295

Diversified Computer Design 517-773-1201

Diversified Systems, Inc. 608-836-5757

Diversified Technology, Inc. 601-853-2458

Dixieland, Inc. 501-271-2200

Doctor PC 214-235-3772

Dolch Computer Systems, Inc. 800-538-7506

Dolphin Imaging Systems 800-548-7241

Domain Computers, Inc. 408-986-8208

Dorex, Inc. 714-639-0700

Downtime, Inc. 207-725-8903

Dulles Networking Assoc, Inc. 800-728-4119

Duncan Services 205-756-4605

Dunn Computer Corporation 703-450-0400

Dunn's Business Center 414-355-4544

Durand Communications, Inc. 805-961-8700

Dux Computer Works 207-324-7274

Dynacomp 513-772-3600

Dynamic Decisions, Inc. 212-227-9888

Dynamic Technology International 617-334-4227

Dynamics Computer Corporation 617-229-0056

Dynapro Systems Inc. 604-521-3962


E&M Systems 402-731-1072

E-MAX Instruments, Inc. 303-799-6640

E. A. Conway Hospital 318-388-7000

E.W.'s Computer Emporium 603-647-1001

ECB Technologies 206-728-9116

ECRM Trust 508-851-0207

ECS Computer Technologies 704-483-0060

EDS 800-762-3371

EER Systems Corporation 800-899-8885

EFA Corporation of America 301-670-6166

EG&G Geometrics 408-734-4616

EG&G Instruments 615-483-2101

EISA, Inc. 803-641-9733

EKM Computer 714-373-9898

EMJ America, Inc. 919-460-8861

EMPAC Microsystem Corp. 708-627-0800

EPS Technologies, Inc. 800-526-4258

ESE, Inc. 800-236-4778

ESS Connect 602-967-5278

ETC Electronics of Canada , Inc. 905-940-3382

EWK Systems 609-386-1009

EZ SHOW SYSTEMS 519-893-6690

Eagan Enterprises, Inc. 713-469-0560

Eagle Business Systems 803-732-4300

Earnest Computers 209-268-1211

East Hill Systems Corporation 212-925-1214

Eastman Kodak 716-726-1108

Eaton IDT, Inc. 614-899-5282

Ecklektik Personal Computers 602-265-9219

Eclipse Marketing, Inc. 503 598 8686

Educational Learning Systems 800-779-4444

Egnew, Austin & Associates 800-676-9066

El Cajon Computers 619-593-8303

Elco Computers 818-284-7018

Electronic Dictation Systems 405-495-3700

Electronic Equipment Exchange 703-338-1834

Electronic Technology Group, Inc. 800-278-9392

Electronics For Imaging, Inc. 415-286-8600

Electrovert USA Corp. 314-346-3341

Eli Computer, Inc. 617-492-2345

Elite Office Automation 619-453-9843

Elliott Computer Consultants 601-234-6331

Elliott's TV & Computer dba R.Phill 912-452-2410

Ellis Systems Corproation 804-221-0671

Eltech Research Inc. 800-523-7501

Elton Stephens - "Sales" 219-291-3823

Emachines 877-566-3463

Emerald Computers 800-321-5711

Emerald Visions Computer 714-741-8005

Empac International Inc. 510-226-4742

Enertech 714-528-2301

Englewood Computers 813-475-0362

Ensoniq 610-647-3930

Ensure Computing Systems, Inc. 404-729-9900

Entech Engineering Systems 412-935-6765

Enterprise Computer Systems, Inc. 803-234-7676

Entre' Computer Center 215-374-4424

Entron Computer Corporation 713-941-7007

Entry Express, Inc. 206-332-8722

Epson 800-922-8911

Equuf 612-641-1475

Ergo Computing Inc. 508-535-7510

Ericsson Business Networks 714-236-6555

Eris Medical Technology, Inc. 800-622-4761

Essence Group, Inc. 714-580-6990

Essential Computer Services, Inc. 616-694-4665

Essex Computer/Computer Center 713-781-2951

Estes Data Systems, Inc. 303-586-0228

Estes Technology Corp./

Evangelical Christian Academy 719-597-3675

Evans Computer Services 609-488-0841

Everrex 510-498-4411

Evergreen Systems, Inc. 415-897-8888

Everware Technology Corporation 408-524-9088

Everything Computer, Inc. 718-692-4564

Excel, Inc. 800-541-7002

Executive Computer Systems 303-772-9520

Executone Information Systems 619-486-4500

Express Micro Store 403-265-8666

Exsel, Inc. 800-624-2001

EyeSys Laboratories 713-465-1921


F & M Compserve 707-554-4030

F.W. Newton Company 304-485-0845

F.Y.I. Inc. 305 491-5990

F1 Consulting 619-741-9165

Fast Computers 425-885-5068

Federgreen Consulting Services 416-520-5974

FEI America 503-620-8640

FM Computer, Inc. 215-368-9305

Frizinghall Consulting Ltd. 416-624-0878

FTG Data Systems, Inc. 714-995-3900

FYI Computers Inc. 305-491-5990

Fabco Systems 714-579-3563

Fadal Engineering Company 818-765-9838

Falcon Systems, Inc. 708-541-3933

Farallon Computing, Inc. 510-814-5000

Faxx-Plus Business Systems 407-678-1007

Fedcom Computer Center 619-384-2000

Fedcom Microsource 505-883-4177

Fedcom Microsource 505-883-4177

Fedcomp, Inc. 800-283-3326

Federal Express 800-238-5355

Fels Sales 510-631-0389

Feltch's Computer Center, Inc. 717-633-7749

Field Technology Corp. 203-761-9363

Fieldworks 612-947-0856

Finex Computer, Inc. 612-854-2776

Finserv Healthcare Systems 518-458-7666

First Computer 508-757-2840

First Computer Systems, Inc. 404-447-8324

Fortress Systems International 800-437-3920

FortuNet 702-796-9090x10

Fountain Technologies, Inc. 908-563-4800

Four J Enterprises 806-799-7134

Franklin Micro Systems 615-790-7641

Franklin-Lucas Associates 615-771-7645

Frederick and Associates 818-398-9521

Freedom Computer Repair 603-356-7315

Freedom Systems Corporation 800-825-7776

Fresno Laser Graphics, Inc. 209-222-9999

Fry's Electronics 650-496-6000

Fujitsu 800-838-5487

Functional Programs 703-938-9824

Future Domain 408-934-7274

Future Domain Sales and Service 800-959-7274

Future Systems, Inc. 915-682-0268

Futureware Distribution, Inc. 402-333-4650

Futuristic Computers, Inc. 800-398-9949


GATES/FA 803-627-2341

GCH Systems, Inc. 415-968-3400

GDZ Computer Services, Inc. 305-445-1575

GLC Systems Microcomputers 614-228-3636

GMX, Inc. 708-559-0909

Greff Computer Corporation 905-458-1651

Gain Systems 800-849-4246

Galaxy Computer Center 310-398-7388

Galaxy Computers, Inc. 516-423-7171

Galaxy Computers, Inc. 804-486-8672

Gama Computers, Inc. 800-997-3278

Garden of Eden Computers 714-841-4994

Gateway 2000 800-846-2301

Gateway 2000 Win95 800-846-5259

Gateway Communications, Inc. (now Microdyne) 703-329-3700

Gator Computer Systems 904-373-3993

Gator Computers, Inc. 904-622-3284

Gencomp, Inc. 404-416-7771

Gene's Computer Outlet 215-644-3633

General Electric FANUC 800-432-7521

General Meters Corporation 719-522-9222

General Public Computers 615-458-3064

General Technology/Computopia 401-732-5588

George The Tinkermeister 214-286-6999

Gerber Garmet Technology, Inc. 203-871-3780

Gespac, Inc. 602-962-5559x232

Getty Computers 206-627-1220

Gilroy Computer 408-842-3267

Glasgal Communications, Inc. 201-768-8082

Corporation-G 708-305-9100

Glick's Computer Consulting 412-369-9715

Golden Bear Services, Inc. 303-688-5655

Golden Star Technology, Inc. (GST) 714-739-9609

Good News Computers, Inc. 803-797-6950

Gorrell's Computer Svcs Inc. 606-299-8468

Goss Associates, Inc. 703-563-5701

Government Micro Resources, Inc. 304-986-3000

Government Services Supply 904-257-2170

Grace International, Inc. 215 536 7027

Grafco, Inc. dba Albany Computer 503-928-0907

Graphic Edge, Inc. 603-881-4401

Graphics Systems Corporation 414-464-2800

Great Lakes Connections, Inc. 312-589-0505

Greenleaf Distributors, Inc. 408-734-8888

Growing Trade Company Inc. 415-956-8677

GTE ISP 800-927-3000

GTSI 800-723-9810


H&H Computers, Inc. 609-488-1245

HBS Computers 708-434-0255

HD Computer Systems 808-949-7212

HMW Enterprises 717-765-4690

HYMCO Technologies, Inc. 408-294-6800

Hacker Electronics 818-882-7980

Hall Computer Systems, Inc. 918-647-3800

Halliburton NUS Corporation 813-621-6463

Hallikainen & Friends 805-541-0200

Hamilton-Thorn Research 800-323-0503

Hammond & Hammond 508-759-8400

Hampton Roads Computer, Inc. 206-873-8771

Hannah Technology 606-281-8026

Happy Journey Systems 702-423-4862

Harp Computer Services 904-368-7713

Hauppauge Computer Works, Inc. 516-434-3197

Hays CISD 512-268-2141

Hedline Computers 612-784-1566

Helpware, Inc. 901-872-4872

Hemenway Business Service 517-723-5977

Herko Electronics, Inc. 716-227-1270

Hertz Computer Corporation 212-684-4141

Hetra Computer & Communications 407-589-7331

Hewitt Rand Corporation 604-276-8271

Hewlett Packard Co. 800-752-0900

Hewlett-Packard, (printer only) 208-323-2551

Hewlett-Packard Vectra (business) 970-635-1000

Hewlett Packard Home PC 800-724-6631

Hi Tech Computer Systems, Inc. 803-849-3616

Hi-Tech Rentals, Inc. 206-881-1113

HiQuality Systems, Inc. 408-245-5836

High Tech Supply, Inc. 800-580-8324

High Technology Systems Corp. 203-876-6199

High-Tech Computers 409-297-8308

Highland Micro Computers, Inc. 609-771-6115

Highland Systems International 718-599-1214

Hightechcomp, Inc. 407-331-3880

Hilgart Data Systems 206-966-7158

Hitachi 800-555-6820

Home Electronics, Inc. 708-758-8852

Homisco, Inc. 617-665-1977

Hornbuckle Engineering, Inc. 408-646-1533

Hornet Microsystems, Inc. 310-949-3896

Hughes-Avicom International 818-857-0061

Humphrey Instruments 510-297-4285

Hyperdata 909-468-2950

Hytek Information Systems 205-764-3000

Hyundai 800-234-3553


I.C.E. Inc. 305-381-8228

I.O.B. Distributors 512-835-9648

IBC/Integrated Business Computer 818-882-9007

IBEX Corp. 603-335-4773

IBM Corporation 800-772-2227

ICE 205-826-2244

ICS Computer Systems Corp. 214-644-2371

ICS Medical Corporation 708-397-2150

IDC, Inc. 800-237-7591

IDEA Courier, Inc. 602-894-7000

IDL Tech. 818-343-2083

IMC Business Service 507-286-9173

IMS Computers 214-416-4000

IMT Systems, Inc. 713-937-2115

INFO Depot 514-677-2000

IPC Technologies, Inc. 512-339-3500

IPI Grammtech 800-531-5136

IRD Mechanalysis, Inc. 614-885-4613

ISAC Systems 402-331-0600

ISC Distributors, Inc. 406-586-3105

ITI Technology, Inc. 800-578-1070

ITron 509-624-6600

IWS Associates 703-698-0170

Ibex Technologies, Inc. 916-621-4342

Image Computer Corp. 800-638-6970

Image Computers 616-392-4455

Image Data Corp. 800-375-4624

Image Microsystems 310-815-1000

Image-X International 805-964-3535

Impulse Computer Corp. 905-858-3000

Impulse Computing 414-347-1914

Impulse Technologies, Inc. 508-486-0001

In-Flight Phone Corporation 708-573-2660

Inacom Information Systems 800-932-8235

Incon Systems Ltd. 414-633-0040

Industrial & Biomed Sensors Corp. 617-891-4201

Industrial Computer Service, Inc. 503-762-2251

Industrial Computer Solutions, Inc. 201-256-7272

Industrial Computer Source 619-271-9340

Indwell Products Corp. 317-743-3104

Inet Computers 414-798-1410

Infertech 215-430-0921

Infinet Technologies, Inc. 404-339-0295

InfoNow Corporation 303-442-6666

Infomax, Inc. 713-776-1688

Information Masters, Inc. 802-655-7611

Information Syhstems, Inc. 513-427-5377

Information Tech Int'l, Inc. 708-960-5839

Infotainment Computers 619-436-0693

Infotel Incorporated 800-243-0313

Inmac Corporate Office 800-547-5444

Innovative Computer Equipment 218-643-6202

Innovative Computer Services 515-576-8585

Innovative Computer Systems, Inc. 409-693-7115

Innovative Solutions 919-928-1700

Innovative Technology, Inc. 404-998-9970x232

Innovax Concepts Corporation 214-550-8371

Input/Output Junction, Inc. 800-758-1214

Insight Distribution netowrk 602-967-4999x775

Intecolor 404-623-9145x154

Integra Business Center 215-967-4725

Integrated Computer Solutions 305-884-8112

Integrated Data Systems, Inc. 818-223-3344

Integrated Government Systems, Inc. 410-995-0400

Integrated Industrial Systems, Inc. 203-265-5684

Integrated Product Systems, Inc. 210-525-1333

Integration Plus Systems, Corp. 305-485-8000

Integration Technologies Group, Inc. 703-698-8282

Intel Corporation 916-377-7000

Intelisys, Inc. 703-385-0347

Intellicom USA, Inc. 703-448-3334

Intelligent Decisions, Inc. 703-803-8070

Intellivoice Communications, Inc. 800-878-2255

Inter Byte 512-459-3224

Intercom 804-824-0500

Interface Design 602-483-9474

Interface Electronics, Inc. 404-623-1066

Interface Systems 616-327-7395

Intergraph Corp. 800-633-7248

Intermec Corp. 203-348-2700

International Data Products Corp. 301-590-8111

International Electronic Tech. 404-242-5965

International Instrumentation, Inc. 805-495-7673

International Tapetronics Corp. 309-828-1381

International Technologies Corp. 504-734-7494

International Technology 209-521-5745

Interphase Corporation 214-919-9111

Intersect, Inc. 619-237-0808

Inteva 800-480-4519

Intra Corp. 800-422-8875

Intrex Computer Systems 919-872-4474

Ipswich Bay Software 800-852-2340

Iskra Computers, USA 201-785-4223

Istar Incorporated 602-979-2800

Iverson Technology 800-677-7881


J & J Computer Services, Inc. 704-542-6254

J C Schuessler 806-637-4211

J. W. Hass & Co., Inc. 704-394-7389

J.H. Systems 903-693-2744

J.H.Whitley Co., Inc. 804-599-0000

J.K. Computer Tech. Inc. 201-288-8688

J.R. Whipple & Associates 408-243-2796

JCL Computer 313-365-6600

JDI COmputer Systems 704-262-0906

JDR Micro Devices 800-538-5002

JKL Electronics & Computers 713-332-2763

JL Systems, Inc. 703-941-0077

JM Computers, Inc./Simply Better Computers 214-234-2198

JWS Corporation 913-384-0880

JackRabbit Microware 619-451-0489

Jade Computer Products, Inc. 310-370-1328

Jade Tiger, Inc. 310-907-6800x018

James D. Adams & Co. 706-295-1020

James Rich Corporation 903-872-8087

Jantronic Systems, Inc. 313-428-0809

Janzen Computer & Consulting 800-334-9889

Jefferson Audio Video Systems 800-354-JAVS

Jemini Electronics 408-727-9986

Jentronix Computer Cable Systems 206-254-9228

Jerry's Computer Warehouse 806-797-1481

Jersey Computer Systems, Inc. 908-341-7601

Jersey Custom Computers 201-703-1660

Jetta International, Inc. 908-329-9651

Jinco Computers, Inc. 800-253-2531

John Tidrow and Associates, Inc. 919-433-4481

Jones Business Automation Center 704-525-0582

Jordana Computer 201-967-9048

Jorge Scientific Corporation 800-466-1572

Jostens 800-548-8372

Juneau Electronics, Inc. 907-789-1215

JustTheFax Enterprises, Inc. 714-724-0440


K & L Computers & Software 913-364-3659

K & L Enterprises 206-743-2640

K&P Computers 916-823-0226

K2 Systems 404-414-1080

KAO Industries(now Opal Systems) 410-290-7730

KIS Computers 804-463-0033

KM Computer, Inc. 704-484-1944

KMS Advanced Products Division 516-582-6500x373

KRON Computer 314-230-8200

Kelpro Computers 604-558-0033

Kemske Computer Sales 507-354-4141

Kennedy Business Systems, Inc. 507-454-6705

Kenray Associates 812-923-9885

Kentech Computer Services 209-531-1745

Kestrel Computers 703-461-3395

Kings Computer Technology, Inc. 817-554-5464

Kitsap Computers, Inc. 206-792-0729

Knight Computer Systems, Inc. 410-796-9044

Knowledge Systems 219-626-2604

Kobra Systems 214-484-4536

Kore Computer 616-361-3666

Krischan Computer Services 414-662-3319

Kuchera Computers 814-269-4446

Kurt Manufacturing Company 800-343-9884


L&Y Electronics, Inc. 703-494-3444

L.E.M. Technologies 206-742-1415

LAN D-Com 800-929-9264

LCS, Inc. 313-644-6188

LDL Electronics, Inc. 407-286-2148

LES Enterprises Scanners 514 923-1910

LJB Systems, Inc. 706-613-8351

LKA Computer Consultants, Inc. 301-699-8881

LMP Associates 801-486-1332

LogisSys Technologies Inc. 905-564-0645

LSE Electronics, Inc. 516-931-1670

LSS Data Systems 612-941-1674

LTX Corporation 617-461-1000

LUVA, Inc. 305-828-6345

LYNK Corporation 800-852-5965

Lambert Computer Center 919-774-6222

Lan Management Systems, Inc. 616-243-2929

Lance Systems Corporation/Computers Plus 515-243-3729

Lanier Worldwide Inc./Voice Product 800-874-4566

Laptops, etc. Corporation 410-527-8677

Lasermaster Technologies, Inc. 612-944-9331

Laser Tools Corporation 510-420-1319

Leading Edge 800-245-9868

Leading Technology 708-540-5022

Leadman Electronics 408-738-1751

Lee Shornick, Inc. dba/

P.C. Max 404-633-9380

Leading Edge Resel/dist Helpline 800-225-2283

Leeds & Northup 215-616-2179

Legend Computer, Inc. 408-262-6861

Leisure Software 717-263-7836

Leitch Video of America 804-548-2300

Lerman Industries Corporation/Field Technology 203-761-9363

Lexmark 800-554-3202

Liberty Electronics USA, Inc. 800-497-8324

Life Sciences Mfg., Inc. 800-223-5009

Light Horse Computer Tech. 800-443-3446

Links Computer Systmes, Inc. 800-585-3500

Liuski International 516-454-8220

Loan Logic 619-346-3409

Local Government Data Processing 800-737-1826

Logic-Gate Inc. 210-667-9273

Logica Design Group, Inc. 919-851-1101

Logical Ventures, Inc./System Source 410-561-3400

Logicraft, Inc. 603-595-7460

Logitech, Inc. 800-231-7717

Logix Innovation 514-735-7850

Logosystems USA 317-876-1072

Lomas Data Products 508-460-0333

Lone Star Electronics 713-467-3394

Lucas Automation Control Engineering 510-471-4700

Lucky Computer Company 214-690-6110

Luk Computer Inc. 817-723-8443

Lumisys 408-733-6565

Luxxon Technologies 514-368-0414

Lyme Software Sales, Inc. 603-795-4000

Lynch, Marks & Associates, Inc. 415-644-2821


M&A Technology, Inc. 800-225-1452

M&M Micro Systems 901-644-1738

M&S Computer Products, Inc. 800-333-9041

M.L. Computers, Inc. 216-222-2534

M2M Corporation 800-881-4367

MA Kahn & Sons Computer Warehouse 916-899-8727

MB's Computer Warehouse 813-889-9551

MBL Products 201-865-7900

MC2 Computer Corporation 205-593-0807

MCG Associates, Inc. 201-857-2773

MCS/Computerland 518-482-3000

MG Computer Associates, Inc. 605-334-2791

MG International Corporation 310-793-0888

MGV Manufacturing 205-772-1100

MJM Computers 408-637-9210

MRP Computers, Inc. 317-299-6298

MSCAD 612-475-0582

MSI 303-790-0180

MTD Data Services (dba Bear Computer) 206-869-5900

MTEC Corporation 618-997-6461

MTN Pacific, Inc. 916-274-9900

MacKenzie-Brown & Associates 812-284-0601

Macro Technologies 714-580-1822

Magictek Computer, Inc. 714-939-9220

Magitech Corporation 216-461-9330

Magitronics 516-454-8220

Main Street Computer Company 813-359-3343

Main Street Computers 707-829-2667

Mainstream Computer Services 812-526-5660

Malibu Computers 310-456-7104

Management Systems Designers 703-281-7451

Manitissa Computer Systems 215-868-6624

Mannesmann Tally 206-251-5500

Marketechs, Inc. 508-653-4565

Marketware Corporation 513-574-4222

Marshall Industries 818-307-6309

Martin Marietta 610-354-4562

Martin Marietta Services Group 609-486-5329

Masco Home Furnishings dba Room Sit 919-886-3345

Mason County Fire Protection Dist 5 206-426-5533

Master Computers Inc. 206-365-1156

MasterTech Computers 503-627-0909

Max Group Corporation 818-300-8406

Maximus Computers, Inc. 800-899-0142

Maxus Electronic, Inc. 303-447-1226

McDowells 213-680-2800

Measurement Instruments East 412-459-8090

Measurex 408-255-1500

Medisys-Medical Computer Systems 602-993-4771

Megabyte, Inc. 617-277-2233

Memorex Telex Corporation 919-250-6100

Memory & More, Ltd. 800-966-6090

Memory & Systems Technology 412-683-9899

Memory Technologies 717-691-7171

Mendocino Microcomputers 707-937-5001

Mennonite Mutual Aid, Inc. 219-533-9511

Merit Distributing 206-489-0320

Meritel Corporation 407-453-3863

Metro Sales Inc. 612-861-4000x238

Miami-Dade Community College 305-237-2266

Mian Data Systems 314-432-5900

Micro Age Computer Stall 502-685-6016

Micro Assistance Group 602-944-2204

Micro Center

NOTE: Micro Center is not with International chain 816-781-2525

Micro City, Inc. 619-689-0660

Micro Computer Solutions, Inc. 800-473-6271

Micro Decisions 603-434-1328

Micro Design 803 573-9631

Micro Design International 800-228-0891

Micro Express 800-989-9900

Micro Focus Ltd. 215-992-3550

Micro House Ltd. 414-731-5700

Micro Innovation 713-933-5858

Micro Marketing Group, Inc. 214-349-4600

Micro Master Software & Hardware 800-728-3542

Micro Mini Systems 402-333-6783

Micro Options 206-643-2112

Micro Palm Computers 813-530-0128

Micro Peripherals, Inc. (Microtyme) 513-294-6236

Micro Pro, Inc./Micro Experts 216-446-0090

Micro Products, Inc. 713-785-3954

Micro Professional, Inc. 800-800-8308


Micro Smart Inc. 508-872-9090

Micro Solutions, Inc. 815-756-3421

Micro Standard Distributors 206-882-1722

Micro Supply & Services 614-676-5666

Micro System Engineering, Inc. 800-846-4480

Micro Systems Group, Inc. 708-882-5727

Micro Systems Plus +, Inc. 915-534-4394

Micro Systems Resource, Inc. 314-281-2664

Micro Systems Technology, Inc. 714-380-0133

Micro Technologies 714-526-5200

Micro Technology Unlimited 919-870-0344

Micro Warehouse 714-261-7920

Micro Warehouse, Inc. 800-285-7087

Micro Way, Inc. 508-746-7341

Micro-Enhancements, Inc. 804-420-7842

Micro-Intelligent Systems, Inc. 703-532-7934

Micro-International 713-495-9096

Micro-Mainframe, Inc. 713-447-3112

Micro-Rich Inc. 214-234-6688

Micro-Tech U.S.A. 312-357-0023

MicroComp Enterprises, Inc. 818-566-6666

MicroLan Computer Systems 603-429-2977

MicroServe, Inc. 804-827-1604

MicroSource Cad/Cam, Inc. 617-935-3320

Microstar Computers 732-651-8686

MicroSupply, Inc. 800-804-5684

MicroTek Computers 909-369-9998

MicroVoice Applications, Inc. 800-553-0003

Microage Computer Centers 301-777-1000

Microbyte Systems, Inc. 708-394-0555

Microcomp Inc./PC Warehouse, Uptech 203-257-3718

Microcomputer Consultants, Inc. 201-568-3236

Microcomputer Power (MCP) 713-726-9822

Micrognosis, Inc. 203-790-3300

Microlog Corporation 800-333-MLOG

Micrologic Software 510-652-5464

Micromania 904-686-9800

Micron Computer, Inc. 800-438-3343

Micron Technical Support 800-209-9705

Micronet Business Systems 415-541-9484

Micronetics 805-722-0181

Microniche Information Systems 800-733-9188

Microport, Inc. 408-438-8649

Microsphere Computers, Inc. 503-388-1194

Microtech Computers, Inc. 913-841-9533

Microware Technology Distrib 800-382-2512

Microworks, Inc. 919-757-2711

Matar. Inc. 708-343-0358

Mid-Atlantic Computer Products 410-531-1063

Mid-State Computers 801-373-9595

Midern Computer, Inc. 818-964-8682

Midwest Business Systems, Inc. 313-358-0890

Midwest Computer Exchange, Inc. 800-641-0941

Midwest Micro 800-626-0464

Midwest Service Management 800-458-9113

Mike's Bytes 503-639-6886

Milcor Inc-DBA of the Moore Co. 503-234-5000

Miles Inc. Diagnostic Division 800-431-1970

Milford Fabricating Company 313-272-8400

Millennium Systems 403-291-1911

Miller's Computers 412-854-2022

Milton Roy Company, A.P.D. 716-248-3100

Milwaukee PC 714-485-2139

Mind's Eye, Inc. 314-921-8433

Minta Technologies, Inc. 908-329-2020

Miracle Computers, Inc. 800-446-9929

Miranda Country Fresh Foods, Inc. 908 679-1166

Mitchell International 800-854-7030x8906

Mitech Data Systems, Inc. 703-352-1524

Mitsuba Corp./Magitron USA, Inc. 909-392-5620

Mitsui Comtek Corp. 408-725-8525

Modular Computing Technologies 800-266-3852

Molecular Dynamics 408-773-1222

Mom's Computers 715-344-3703

Monarch Systems, Inc. 214-386-5677

Monitoring Automation Systems 714-724-7800

Monolith Corporation 800-949-7425

Monolithic Systems Corporation 303-790-0180

Monorail 888-880-7245

Moore Logical 405-341-7283

Moore Products Corporation 215-646-7400

Morning Star Computer & Printer Service 612-457-8115

Mostly Software Etc. 706-324-2020

Motion Control, Inc. 214-352-8427

Mountain Micro Systems 704-438-9456

Mouse House 616-733-8299

Mr. PC 503-538-0830

Multi Doc Technologies 919-851-9194

Multi-Tec Computers, Inc. 702-356-0361

Multimax, Inc. 301-441-8828

Multitech 612-785-3504

Multitech Electronics 403-451-5390

Multi-Users Solutions 770-638-6999

Multiwave Technologies 800-861-0050


NB Systems, Inc. 313-881-2766

NCA Computers. 408-496-9936

NCAD Corporation 513-421-6223

NCR 800-224-4678

NEASEM Business Systems 501-239-4416

NEC Technologies, Inc. 800-325-5500

NELCO Ltd. 804-379-3747

NIMAX, Inc. 619-566-4800

NPC computers 800-NPC-4YOU


NTCS, Inc. 817-387-0122

NWI, Inc./CompatibleLand 505-892-2888

NYC Computer Corporation 201-487-7182

NYMA, Inc. 301-342-0832

NYSYS Computer 716-482-1600

National Advantage Inc. 800-777-0439


National Business Information Service 510-656-3776

National Computer Resource 316-681-0555

National Computer Sales 310-522-1250

National Computer Services 607-797-8096

National Instruments 800-433-3488

National Micro Computers, Inc. 800-424-2983

National Semiconductor 408-721-6380

Nestor Communications 717-874-3897

Net Computer 714-523-2367

Netbridge Computers 541-265-2051

Netcom - Customer Service 408-881-1815


NetFrame Systems Inc. 408-944-0600

Netis Technology, Inc. 408-263-0395

Network Connection, Inc. 800-327-4853

Network Generations 714-454-0135

Networks Plus Computers 916-582-1630

Neuro Scan, Inc. 915-545-1724

New England Computer Assoc. 203-429-2035

New Media 714-453-0314

New MMI Corporation 717-327-9200

New Technology Computers, Inc. 206-885-5068

New Trends 606-564-4488

Newco, Inc. 803-669-2988

Newtec Computer Services 908-859-4996

Next Generation 202-342-1221

Nichols Electronics 413-443-2568

Nimantic Computers 800-646-5005

Nimble Computer Corporation 310-592-6200

Norand Corporation 800-221-9236

Nordix Computer Corporation 510-756-3500

North American Computer, Inc. 408-734-9100

North Florida Research & Development 904-372-4672

North Sound Computers 206-659-2649

Northgate Computer Systems 800-446-5037

Northwest Computer Accessories 503-232-6324

Northwest Micro, Inc. 503-626-2555

Notestar Computers, Inc. 908-651-8686

Nova Computer Company 810-588-4770

Nova Microsonics 201-848-9700

Novadyne Computer Systems 714-566-2300

Novell Netware 800-638-9273

Now Electronics, Inc. 408-894-7060

NuShow Concepts, Inc. 713-497-1239

Nucom Systems International 212-385-0179

Numa, Inc. 800-733-6862

Nutmeg Genographers 203-356-1399


OCG, Inc. 601-234-2042

OCI, Inc. 619-746-9142

OMAC Group, Inc. 713-777-6622

ORS Automation, Inc. 609-924-1667

OYO Geospace Instruments 713-937-5800

Oakfield Computer Manufacturing 703-904-7555

Oakhurst Computers 209-683-7259

Office Automation 501-862-4200

Office Services Company 907-283-7258

Office Systems Center 512-575-6886

Ohmeda 608-221-1551

Olivetti 908-526-8200

Olympia USA, Inc. 214-631-1031

Olympic Computer Technology 206-872-5800

Omega Electronic Repair 800-493-1333

Omega Hardware, Inc. 619-661-1076

Omni Computer Center 907-376-1658

Omni Computers, Inc. 312-774-9300

Omni Distribution Systems, Inc. 201-368-1900

Omni Services, Inc. 318-989-9063

Omni Tech Corporation 414-523-3300

Omnicell Technologies, Inc. 415-324-9594

Omnitek Computers of Eugene 503-342-1298

On Board Computer Services, Inc. 203-881-0555

On-line Services 617-344-1620

One Step Computer Systems, Inc. 919-467-9707

Online Computers 618-254-8618

Online Computer Systems, Inc. 800-643-4351

Online Development, Inc. 615-579-3540

Open Lab 217-333-5839

Open Systems International, LLC 801-299-0794

Option Computer Corporation 314-878-3611

Oracle Corporation 415-506-7000

Orange Computer Discount Co. 313-429-7484

Orange Computer Group, Inc. 305-624-3300

Orange Micro 714-779-2772

Orchard Computer 617-479-4028

Orion Systems, Ltd. 406-782-7878

Ormsby's Computer Store, Inc. 802-476-1414

Osicom Technologies, Inc. 201-586-2550

Overbyte Computers 206-821-1818

Oxford Systems Integration 513-339-6644


PC Shoppe 216-238-8899

PA Computer Connections 412-838-7526

Pacific Rim System 510-782-1013

PAK Computers 216-929-8988

PAR Microsystems Corp. 303-444-4458

PC & Parts, Inc. 614-523-1733

PC BSP Inc - PC Systems 407-276-2963

PC Channel, Inc. 909-468-2888

PC Company 210-690-0666

PC Complete (support Fujitsu) 800-215-8767

PC Computers & Software 918-644-8833

PC Concepts 214-328-2888

PC Connection, Inc. 405-632-3259

PC Connexion, Inc. 713-332-4798

PC Corner 803-788-5836

PC Delta 718-680-9787

PC Distribution, Inc. 703-866-1277x2

PC Doctor DBA Microtech International 206-641-8956

PC Excel, Inc. 203-756-5544

PC Expanders, Inc. 703-471-7234

PC Factory 310-444-9003

PC Fixx DBA Monitor Tech Inc. 206-451-0730

PC Importers, Inc. 216-487-5200

PC Importers, Inc. 800-698-3820 (tech sup)

PC Industries, Inc. 609-988-1110

PC Innovators 314-429-4333

PC Link Corporation 212-730-8036

PC Net 800-373-6582

PC Outlet 713-428-1979

PC Palace 717-975-9696

PC Plus 703-264-0770

PC Plus Corporation 818-571-6955

PC Plus of Pembroke Pines 305-822-0244

PC Professionals 614-459-7374

PC Professionals, Inc. 206-582-6688

PC Pros 817-683-2292

PC Solutions, Inc. 918-494-7061

PC Solutions, Inc. OH 513-748-9766

PC Systems Design Corporation 714-996-0690

PC Systems of Kentucky, Inc. 800-640-5013

PC Systems of Missouri 314-822-2895

PC Systems, Inc. 405-752-0330

PC Tech 206-869-4100

PC Tech (Stone Video, Inc.) 405-947-8324

PC Tech Inc. 612-345-4555

PC Ware Computers 619-689-9273

PC Ware International, Inc. 718-706-7770

PC&C Research Corp. 805-484-8696

PC/MAC Connection 205-870-8877

PCB/R2 Computer Products 602-820-9410

PCS 770-267-0937

Pacific Coast Network, Inc. 206-368-8407

Pacific Computer Associates 808-833-1500

Pacific Office Equipment 206-452-9755

Pacific Pharmacy Computers, Inc. 209-276-6169

Pacific Rim Peripherals 503-463-0266

Packard Bell 800-213-5074

Packard Bell Elect. (Software) 800-733-1919


Packard Bell (PPI Support) 800-598-3000

Packard Electric 216-373-7002

Packard Instrument Company 708-969-6000

Paladin Consulting 408-886-7156

Palcomm Ltd. 314-862-1619

Paltex International-Cal Paltex 800-321-3334

Panasonic - Tech support 800-527-8675

Panasonic - Printer Drivers 201-863-7845

Pantograms Mfg Co. 813-839-5697

Paradign Microsystems, Inc. 714-961-0800

Parallan Computer, Inc. 800-932-6932

Parallex Technologies 800-688-4526

Paravant Computer Systems 407-727-3672

Part Time Enterprises 612-545-5973

Pathways International, Inc. 800-950-7638

Pattern Processing Technologies 612-942-5747

Peacock Enterprises, Inc. 301-731-1985

Peer Data Systems, Inc. 313-677-2700

Peerless 310-536-0908

Pencom Software 512-343-6666

Peoples Computers 803-572-9330

Perceptive BioSystems 617-621-1787

Perfect Computer 914-965-1698

Performance Support Inc. 205-244-9797

Peritronics Medical, Inc. 714-572-8100

Perkin-Elmer 203-762-1000

Perpetual Technologies 817-560-7706

Personal Computer Marketing Services 717-656-0315

Personal Solution Computers 508-839-3289

Petronic International, Inc. 408-943-1717

P F Micro 800-999-7713

Phase Business Systems 909-885-8286

Phoenician Faire 800-999-7713

Phoenix Distributing Inc. 612-884-8148

Phoenix Process Automation, Inc. 503-752-3741

Phoenix Solutions Inc. 403-438-1038

Phoenix Technologies 617-551-4000

Photon, Inc. 919-294-6076

Pieceworks 305-688-6708

Pierce Systems, Ltd. 303-670-8960

Pierre's of Exchange Street 207-773-3686

Pine Computer Company 617-787-1944

Pinnacle Technologies 800-873-8734

Pioneer PC Associates 719-784-6955

Pioneer Technologies Group 301-921-0660

Pionex 800-944-6060

Pitney-Bowes 800-672-6937

Plant Equipment, Inc. 909-676-4802

Plasma Therm, Inc. 813-577-4999

Plato Computers 618-254-8618

Plato Computers (Seattle) 206-525-4134

Plymouth Heights Associates Inc. 315-724-4626

Point of Sale Data Products Inc. 206-851-6500

Point of Sale Data Systems 800-336-7226

Polar Systems, Inc. 503-775-4410

Polywell Computers 415-583-7222

Ponakin International Corp. 508-368-0470

Pony Computer, Inc. 216-498-4888

Port of Seattle 206-728-3511

Post Software International 919-556-6722

Powerhouse Computer Sales, Ltd. 605-361-5412

PowerSpec 800-207-3434

PPT Vision 612-942-5747

Practical Computer 203-573-0432

Practical Systems, Inc. 919-544-2828

Precision Computers, Inc. 503-234-4553

Precision Machine Controls 216-538-2268

Premio 626-333-5121

Princeton Computer support, Inc. 609-921-8889

Priority Software 706-548-4039

Priority Systems 602-855-0555

Prism Group, Inc. 206-881-1609

Pro Computer, Inc. 404-455-6971

Pro Systems, Inc. 800-849-0001

Pro Tek 800-654-1148

Pro-Com Systems 412-621-1950

Pro-Log Corporation 800-538-3399

Prostar Computers 818-854-3428

ProSys-Tec Computers, Inc. 514-744-6668

Procomp Computers 818-982-0814

Prodigy Services Co. 800-213-0992

Production Engineering Tech Co. 818-286-4445

Production Equipment Leasing Co. 818-502-9100

Professional Data Corp. 800-800-8906

Professional Data Systems 803-288-6887

Professional PC Inc. 425-881-2074

Profile International, Inc. 405-323-0094

Progen Technology, Inc. 714-549-5818

Progressive Consulting 714-588-9432

Prologic Computer 316-865-6820

Prologic Distributors, Inc. 714-836-5534

Promax Bergen Corporation 201-996-8525

Promax Systems 408-733-2966

Proteva 800-400-3468

Proven Technology, Inc. 408-894-0858

PSW Technologies 512-343-6666

Proven Technology, Inc. 408-894-0858

Pythia, Inc. 317-637-0375


QUAD Tech International 414-246-7500

Quad Micro Systems, Inc. 215-322-7058

Qualitech Computer Center 717-761-6503

Quality Computer Systems, Inc. 912-474-0861

Quantex 800-813-2062


Quantum Data Inc. 708-888-0450

Quick Technology Corporation 714-660-4948

Quickline Micro Systems 216-514-0924

Quincy United Methodist Home 717-749-3151


R & R Electronics 800-876-3633

R U Computing (now Axxys Technologies) 214-696-5151

R&D Industries, Inc. 425-881-8490

R-Computer 510-798-4884

R. Business Systems 303-776-8191

R.V. Quinn, Inc. Bus Equipment 717-561-0910

RAM Computers 405-842-9495

RCR Computer Systems, Inc. 603-226-4254

RDB Ltd. 518-295-8586

Regina Computer Exchange Inc. 306-525-1884

RT Industrial Video 818-842-9136

Radiant Technologies, Inc. 505-842-8007

Ramon Systems, Inc. 206-564-2163

Rapid Data, Inc. (DBA:Ekos Computer) 810-732-7930

Rapid Systems, Inc. 206-784-4311

Raynor Computer Services, Inc. 713-480-5066

Reason Technology, Inc. 612-717-3600

Redlands Computer Center, Inc. 909-798-4791

Regal Computer Supplies 605-342-0935

Regulating Control Systems 219-763-2301

Reliable Business Systems 800-621-9700

Reliance Data Corporation 612-631-1978

Reply Corporation 800-955-5295

Repton Data 215-544-6304

Resolution Technology Inc. 614-878-5131

Resouces & Services 303-458-8150

Response Time 440-243-8080

Reveal Computer Products 818-702-6564

Reznor Manufacturing 412-662-4400

Rhea-Thrasher, Inc. (now Computer Super Center) 903-785-4593

Rimage Corporation 800-553-8312

R-O Computer Systems 614-523-1733

Rock Computer Outlet 614-351-1454

Routing Technology Software(Now Descartes Systems Group) 703-790-8300x6666

Royal Business Equipment 440-365-2288

Royal Computers 800-486-2708

Royal Electronics 800-486-0008


S.T. Monforte Robotics, Inc./STM Robotics 609-587-3335

SAI Systems Laboratories, Inc. 203-929-0790

SAIT Technology(Now Litton) 800-992-2528

Sassey Systems 215-785-4321

SC Technology, Inc. 510-770-0900

SCI Systems, Inc. 205-882-4800

SF Micro 415-929-1607

SIIG, Inc. 510-657-8688

SMR Enterprises (dba Computize) 713-957-0057

Sager (sales) 800-669-1624

Sager (Tech. Support) 800-741-2219

Sales Data, Inc. 316-665-3710

Samsung 888-866-8372

Santa Cruz Electronics 408-479-5432

Santa Cruz Operations, Inc. 800-726-8649


Schiapparelli Biosystems, Inc. 800-220-4488

Scientific Atlanta 619-679-6433

Seattle Micro, Inc. 206-441-9111

Secomtec Computer Wholesalers 305-883-7722

Securities Dealing Systems 212-349-3300

Seimitsu Computer Center 912-352-3689

Sentry Systems 206-285-3495

Sequent Computer Systems, Inc. 503-578-3478

Sequoia Turner Corporation(Now Abbott Labs) 408-982-4850

Shafer Radio & TV, Inc. 580-256-8696

Sharp Electronics 800-237-4277

Sharp's Computer Center 804-730-9697

Shawn Systems, Inc. 508-881-7373

Shelby Business Solutions 704-484-8844

Sho-Tronics, Inc. 602-780-5920

Shots, Inc./Innovative Software 601-862-3037

Sierra Computers 702-322-6455

Sigma Computers 800-205-8440

Sigma Computers 714-892-6109

Sigma Designs 510-770-0100

Sigma Technical Services(Now Netridge) 215-283-2300

Signal Office Supply 513-821-2280

Signal Processing Systems 800-826-2124

Silnet Corporation 425-646-1066

Silver Bay Systems, Inc. 715-479-3044

Simply Better Computers, Inc. 972-484-7744(Dallas)

Skywalker Communications, Inc. 314-272-8025

Slayton, Inc. 800-768-6600

Smallbytes Consulting 608-423-4895

Sonoma Systems 310-822-1422

Softek, Inc. 803-739-8000

Softwaire Centre International 916-925-3337

Software Express 608-758-1255

Software Plus(Now shore Consultants) 302-737-3375

Softworks Development Corp.(Now Granite Microsystems) 414-242-8800

Solano Computer Resource 707-645-9652

Solartech 800-367-1132

Sona Research Corporation/SRC Systems 513-961-7100

Songtech International 510-770-9051

Sony 800-326-9551 (Hardware)

888-476-6972 (Software)

Sound Computer 206-581-9427

South Vermont Computer Service 802-362-4613

Southland Technology 606-223-9091

Spacelabs, Inc. 800-522-7025

Standard Data Equipment, Inc.(Now Integrated Math Storage Systems) 800-526-0791

Standard Electronics Inc. (Pioneer) 301-921-0660

Star Tech Systems, Inc. 315-764-1560

State of the Art Computer/Systems,I 818-889-6033

Sterling Solutions, Inc. 800-673-9315

Stile Office Equipment 618-529-4950

Stingray Computer IntlInc 615-355-0242

Storage Technology Corp. 303-673-5151

Stores Automated Systems, Inc. 215-785-4321

Storm Computers 817-696-2215

Stotts, Pettus, Moore, et. al. 918-254-0433

Suarez Corporation Industries/CompuClub 330-494-5504

Sumit Computer Corporation 918-251-3818

Summagraphics (CalComp Technology Inc.) 800-225-2667

Summit Computer Services, Inc. 906-482-9227

Sun Microsystems, Inc. 800-872-4786

Sunrise Electronics, Inc. 909-595-7774

Super Computer, Inc. 714-826-9680

Superbyte Inc. 626-448-6856

Supercom 408-456-8899

Superior Computers 707-573-1841

Supermac Technology, Inc.(Now Radius) 650-404-6000

Surah, Inc. 510-651-5101

Swan Technologies(Now NEC) 800-468-9044

Sweeting Company, Inc. 704-480-0047

Symantec 800-554-4403

Symbol Technologies 516-563-2400 x3234

Syntax Manufacturing 626-923-6091

Syracuse Support Services 315-488-0973

System Integrators, Inc. 916-929-9481

Systems Mgmt American Corp. 919-941-1059

Systems Resource 207-782-5448


T.O.P.S.S., Inc. 216-749-1771

TC Computer 800-723-8282

TKI Computer Center 501-778-9617

TSD Systems (Now Total Systems Group) 407-331-9130

TTC 800-638-2049

TVC, Inc. 603-431-5251

Tagram Systems Corporation 714-258-3222

Taipan, Inc. 713-530-2462

Tandem Computers, Inc. 800-255-5010

Tandy (No Computer City Software Training) 817-878-6875

Tech Advanced, Inc. 904-479-9227

Technical & Scientific/Application 800-422-4872

Technical Software. Inc. 216-765-1133

Techno American Nat. Group(TANG)(Now PC Max) 305-599-2353

Technology Advancement, Inc. 800-824-7693

Technology Distribution Network 800-420-3636

Technology Partners 313-761-5760

Technology Resource Center 414-252-5300

Tecolote Research, Inc. 805-964-6963

Tee-Lok Corp 919-482-7000

Tek Express Computer 609-698-0720

Tek-Electronic Control, Inc. 503-246-5451

TelData Corporation 800-251-3028

Telecom Solutions 408-433-0910

Telepad Corporation 703-834-9000

Teltron - Ventura 805-644-1011

Teltron Computers - Camarillo 805-388-9594

Teltron Computers- Thousand Oaks 805-374-8260

Teltron Computers-Goleta, Inc. 805-967-9339

Test Product/Div of the Allen Group(Now Automotive Dianostics) 800-833-3377

Test Products 800-473-7367

Texas Instruments, Incorporated 800-848-3927

Texas Microsystems, Inc./Texas MicroExpress 713-541-8200

The Computer Company, Inc.

& Intellect Computers, Inc. 703-931-5100

The Computer Group(Now Icon Office Solutions) 803-758-5555

The Computer Man - SC 803-525-0888

The Computer Shop, Inc. 517-663-2074

The Computer Store 808-969-1166

The Computer Works 717-653-2700

The Main Source Electronics (Now Electronic Service Corp.) 818-882-7500

The P.C. Solution 800-816-2602

The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. 408-425-7222

The Technology Group 609-428-4888

The University of Idaho Bookstore 208-885-5518

The Wisor Computer Center 914-221-0714

Theta Computer Corporation 310-572-1613

Theta Discoveries, Inc. 516-358-0998

Third Wave Management, Inc. 503-244-6128

Thomas S. Ruoss, CPA 717-569-1794

Tiger Systems & Software 800-888-4437

Titan Computers 201-585-8876

Today's Computers Business Center 409-727-4113

Tomba Communications & Electronics 504-349-4060

Toshiba (desktops) 800-400-4172

Toshiba (laptops) 800-999-4273

Total Control Products 708-345-5500

Total Corporate Services, Inc. 408-979-7700

TouchFAX Information Systems 913-599-6699

Transaction Network Services 703-742-0500

Transmart Technology of RTP 919-571-7417

Transource Computers 800-486-3715

Tranti Systems, Inc. 800-284-9801

TriGem 800-766-4377


Tri-Star Computers, Inc. 517-781-3608

Tri-Star Computers, Inc. 800-800-3770

Triad Systems Corporation 510-449-0606

Tricom Computers 701-572-4514

Trinity Tech. 425-250-1250

Twin City Bank 501-688-1103

Twin Peaks Computer, Inc. 800-793-5972

Twin Sun, Inc. 310-524-1800

Two Cow Herd 310-827-8413


U.S. Micro 800-874-5505x193


VP Solutions 508-370-0388

Valcom Business Center of Dublin 912-272-3256

Valley View Microsystems (VVM) 612-829-1991

Value Point (IBM) 800-772-2227

Veeco Instruments 805-963-4431x217

Vehicle Monitor Corp. 425-881-5560

Verbex Voice Systems, Inc. 800-483-7239

Veytec Inc. 407-849-6391

Vidcom Center, Inc. 903-792-6277

Visi-Trak Corporation 216-524-2363

Vutek, Inc. 603-279-4635


WCCO Computers 602-829-8100

WYSE Technology (CANADA) Ltd. 800-800-9973

Wang Laboratories, Inc. 800-247-9264

Wareforce Inc. 310-607-0001

Watchtower 914-744-6000

Wayne-Finger Lakes Boces 716-526-6400

Weisco Computers, Inc. 407-740-8808

Wemco, Inc. 918-333-3890

Westar Technologies, Inc. 704-568-6868

Western Computer Services, Inc. 206-575-8910

Western Computers aka WC, Inc. 805-581-9088

Western Digital 800-832-4778

Western Geophysical 713-789-9600

Western Micro Services, Inc. 206-747-4616

White Mountain Computer Co. 603-889-0800

Wicat Systems, Inc. 800-759-4228

Wiggins Office Equipment Company 912-764-9067

Win Laboratories, Ltd. 703-330-3798

Win Research 714-553-9011

Winbook (aka Micro Electronics) 800-468-1225

WinSystems, Inc. 817-274-7553

Winchester Technology, Inc. 408-738-3570

Wishbook Computers(Now Bob Barbie Computer Service) 602-939-0304

Wismer & Martin, Inc. (Now PCN) 800-451-2489

Wizard of Osz 818-709-6969

Woodbrook Enterprises 313-428-7011

WorldNet Computers 714-454-1818

Wyse 800-800-9973


XYLOG Inc. 905-882-8820

Xxera Technologies 818-286-5569

Xycom, Inc. 800-289-9266

Xylon Research, Inc.(Now Long Island Computer) 516-921-0900


Yakar Systems, Inc. 718-447-6791


Zeba Corporation 619-673-5036

Zenith Data Systems Corp. 800-227-3360

Zenon Computer Systems( Now Bridge Telerate) 800-229-7898

Zeos (Micron) International, Ltd. 800-848-9022

Ziatech Corporation 805-541-0488


2nd Chance Computers, Inc.(Now Simtek Computers) 407-453-4059

386 Systems Warehouse (Now Parlant Technology) 800-735-2930

3M, Inc. 800-426-8688

58th Contracting Squadron 602-856-3445