| | Miva Merchant v1.24 | (c) 1997, 1998, 1999 Miva Corporation | | 2629 Ariane Drive | San Diego, CA 92117 | 619-490-2570 | sales@miva.com | | $Source: /home/cvs/Merchant/modules/shipping/ups.mv,v $ | | UPS OnLine Shipping Calculation | | $Log: ups.mv,v $ | Revision 1999/06/03 18:18:07 burch | Preparation for Miva Merchant v1.24 release | |Modified version of standard module to fix bug where, if a Rate Cart other |than 'Regular Daily Pickup' was selected, the correct shipping cost is |displayed in the "Shipping Method:" selection box but the cost of |'Regular Daily Pickup' would be added to the invoice. |(Replaced 4 instances of '47_rateChart' with '47_rate_chart') | |The Zip+4 issue where if anything other than a 5 digits was entered, |UPS would return an error code and no UPS shipping options would be |available at checkout. |(If destination country is US, use substring() function to extract left 5 digits) If UPS directory path does not exist, make path and create database If database created OK, enter default values Miva Merchant Administration: UPS OnLine Shipping Calculation UPS OnLine Shipping Calculation

Handling Charge
URL to UPS CGI Gateway:
Rate Chart:

Display the Following Shipping Methods:
Domestic :
International :
Insurance per $100:

UPS Wedge insurance script here