Go to http://www.miva.com/support/users_groups.html. Then scroll down till you see the "User Group Focus". Click on the "Web-Based Display" under the Miva Merchant Users group. Perform a search for your error message. Make sure you select "all of these words" and "body" from the options. When going to ANY link on your Miva storefront. You get a "File Not Found Error" In the mall settings, the "Non-secure URL to Miva Merchant" should be http://www.domain.com/Merchant/merchant.mv? *Do not forget the question mark at the end. When going to checkout, you get a blank screen in Netscape or you get the following error in IE: modules/ui/mmui.mv: Line 2802: MvDO: Runtime Error: Error opening 'lib/db.mv': No such file or directory In admin.mv, go to Modules>>Module Paths and Make sure the following is listed correctly: Secure Root Directory for Modules: /Merchant/ When going to Checkout You get a "File Not Found Error" 1. In admin.mv, go to Modules>>Module Paths and Make sure the following is listed correctly: Secure Root Directory for Modules: /Merchant/ 2. In the Mall settings, the "Secure URL to Miva Merchant" should be: https://www.domain.com/Merchant/merchant.mv? Do not forget the question mark at the end. 3. Bring up their web page in a browser. After the page is up, add an "s" after http. If the screen comes up with an error message, the secure server needs to be turned on for this account. You get broken images when going to admin.mv or merchant.mv Go to the Mall settings and make sure the following is correct: Base URL for Graphics: http://www.domain.com/Merchant/ You get broken images when going to the Checkout page. Go to the Mall settings and make sure the following is correct: Secure Base URL for Graphics: https://www.domain.com/Merchant/ After you fill out the billing information and click continue, you are asked to fill out the required fields marked in red. There are no fields marked in red. Below country there is an option to "select one", but there are no options to select. 1. Go to the Store settings and change the "Tax Module" to "State Based Sales Tax". Do this if the owner does not want to charge sales tax or if they only need to charge sales tax for certain states.
After you fill out the billing information and click continue, you are asked to fill out the required fields marked in red. There are no fields marked in red and there is no "select one" option listed. REASON: The default value for the "state" selection in the billing is set to a state instead of a generic prompt. By default, Miva is set up to read "Outside USA" for this option and it has a null value instead of a code (FL,CA,NY,etc.) If you delete this option in the states portion of your admin.mv, then it will default to the first state and will no longer be a null value. Since we now have a field in the "bill to" portion with an entry, it will require all of the info to be filled out. SOLUTION: Go to the admin.mv and click on the triangle next to the Store name. Click on states below that. At the bottom of that screen next to add, leave the first box blank and then type in Outside USA in the second box. If the owner does not want to offer sales outside the USA, then enter Choose a State or something similar. As long as the first box is left blank, it should become the default automatically. After filling out billing info, for "ship via:" you get an error "Unable to calculate Shipping Costs." If you are using the UPS shipping module, go into the Store Settings AND the Mall Settings and make sure your zip code in each portion of the settings is 5 digits. The UPS module does not recognize a 9 digit zip code. Also make sure that none of the products have a price of $0 and none of the products have a weight of more than 50 pounds.The customer is not being notified when an order has been placed. Go to admin.mv and click on the triangle next to the store name. Click on the fulfillment modules and then click on "Email Merchant Notification". (If they do not have this, then click on "add Fulfillment Module".) Make sure they have localhost in the mailhost field.
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